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Chase Hagaman unanimously confirmed as State Economic Development Director


Chase Hagaman

Hagaman will lead BEA initiatives in areas of workforce development, affordable housing, broadband deployment, and more.

CONCORD, NH – The Executive Council, at its meeting Sept. 20, unanimously confirmed the nomination of Chase Hagaman of Bow as the Department of Business and Economic Affairs’ (BEA) director of the Division of Economic Development.

Hagaman is currently the deputy director of the Governor’s Office for Emergency Relief and Recovery (GOFERR).

“Chase’s experience makes him an ideal fit for the economic development role,” said BEA Commissioner Taylor Caswell, who is also the executive director of GOFERR. “He has built strong relationships with community leaders, non-profit agencies, and large and small businesses, helping them navigate government funding complexities. He knows New Hampshire’s economic strengths and challenges, and his ideas and vision will be great assets to state employers and communities.”

Over the past two-and-a-half years, Hagaman has led the GOFERR team in the deployment of over $2 billion in federal relief funds throughout New Hampshire, helping businesses and communities continue their economic recovery from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I’m honored to step into this role and excited to be part of an exceptional BEA team developing and deploying strategies aimed at reinforcing New Hampshire’s resilient and growing economy,” Hagaman said. “I look forward to collaborating with businesses, communities, industry partners, and institutions across the state, helping them leverage key resources, coordinating efforts to address challenges that remain coming out of the pandemic, and working together to set up the state for long-term economic success.”

Prior to joining GOFERR, Hagaman was the director of Strategic Initiatives and New England regional director of The Concord Coalition. He is a member of the New Hampshire Bar and is an alumnus of, and adjunct professor at, the University of New Hampshire Franklin Pierce School of Law, where he teaches a course on federal budget policy. Active in his community, he has served in roles at the municipal level, including the Portsmouth Zoning Board of Adjustment.

About the New Hampshire Department of Business and Economic Affairs (BEA)
The Department of Business and Economic Affairs is dedicated to enhancing the economic vitality of the State of New Hampshire while promoting it as a destination for domestic and international visitors. For more information, visit www.nheconomy.com or www.choosenh.com.


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NH Department of Business and Economic Affairs

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