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He built New Hampshire’s largest addiction treatment network. Now, he faces accusations of sexual misconduct

The content of these messages disturbed her, but it was the sender that broke her. The messages came from Eric Spofford, the founder of Granite Recovery Centers (GRC), the parent company of the facility Elizabeth had just left. Spofford is one of the most prominent and influential figures in New Hampshire’s response to the opioid epidemic.

Freesia, a very good dog, inspires donation to her NH trainers

Freesia is a “facility dog,” rather than a service dog, which means she belongs to a community, rather than one individual. “While our service dogs profoundly affect the life of one person, our facility dogs touch the lives of many,” said Kathy Metz, executive director of ACTS, in a news release announcing the donation.

Derry Salvation Army to be evicted by end of May

The search for a new building to headquarter the Salvation Army of Greater Derry is down to the wire. Only four months remain until the organization that serves hundreds of homeless and disadvantaged people and families finds itself essentially homeless.

Greater Salem Chamber launches Yeti Quest in support of local businesses

The Greater Salem Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with Platinum Sponsor Pentucket Bank, has developed “The Great Yeti Quest,” a Chamber event specifically designed to encourage people to visit and support the businesses in their communities as they search for Yetis.

Londonderry Superfund site 41-year cleanup to be reviewed

The site has been on the Superfund priority list since 1981 and this year’s review will be its seventh. It’s one of four New Hampshire sites that will undergo the legally required five-year EPA review this year. Superfund sites in Plaistow, Dover and Milford also will be reviewed.

Businesses get a boost from in-person schooling

Now that students, teachers and school administrators have headed back to school in person, Hausman believes it’s imperative to reacquire customers who were visiting the establishment before the Covid-19 pandemic shut down schools.