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Webster House Honors John Clayton, raises $250K+ at 3rd Annual ‘Night of Giving’   

Despite the inclement weather, the evening brought together hundreds of community members to celebrate the amazing work being done at Webster House. This year’s event honored  John Clayton, a long-time Manchester resident and past Board member who has a personal connection with the Webster House dating back to his grandfather, who was raised at the home.

Webster House receives $30K from M&T Charitable Foundation

The M&T Charitable Foundation, the philanthropic arm of M&T Bank (NYSE:MTB), announced it has awarded $30,000 to Webster House Children’s Home. The grant is part of the 30 & 30 Initiative in which 30 organizations across the bank’s footprint received $30,000 to fight homelessness and develop affordable housing in low- to moderate-income communities. The 30 & 30 Initiative was launched in commemoration of the foundation’s 30th anniversary.

Keith Spiro Communicast: The Magic of Webster House 

Making magic at Webster House is an everyday occurrence. Just ask Board Vice President Sherry Nannis who reached out to me after hearing the excitement surrounding my “over the edge” interview with their CEO, Michelle O’Malley and Executive Director, Blair Stairs.

Making the Big Jump at Webster House

Since 1884 Webster House in Manchester New Hampshire has been providing a safe supportive alternative place for children unable to live at home. Communicast sat down with the newly appointed leadership team of Michelle O’Malley (CEO) and Blair Stairs (Executive Director of Operations and longtime employee) along with Ed Ithier (Board President and long-time volunteer) for a conversation about unwavering mission and change in this time of a global pandemic.

#Communicast: At Webster House appreciation works both ways

Staff and residents are doing some amazing things like channeling their energy into creating masks for medical professionals and thank you cards for essential hospital staff.  They’ve adopted a Choose Love program and have also seen love returned to them via donations used for special treats – and pizzas ordered and delivered to them