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The Cats came back – you might have thought the feline-inspired catwalk was a goner

Yes, the Cats came back, they just couldn’t stay away.  Back in 2019, Liz Hitchcock and the team from Orbit Group, worked with the City of Manchester to meet code and add an artsy twist to the pedestrian crosswalk just outside The Bookery. It didn’t wear well but entrepreneurs aren’t fazed by minor setbacks.  Lessons learned, warm days, reformulation of a product with a three-year warranty and the Cats came back yesterday to Elm Street.

Separation of church and sex shop: Could there be common ground?

“I connected with so many women in this business that felt compelled and comfortable enough to share their most private and traumatic experiences with me. I realized that the store wasn’t just about helping people have healthy sexual relationships, or women especially being more comfortable with their sexuality, but that it provided a platform to help connect women to the help they need for their own healing,” says Sophia Raymond.