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A Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Moment for Natural Gas in NH

At last week’s hearing, we joined the utility and the Staff of the PUC in asking the Commission to approve Liberty’s proposal. As a famous euphemism would have it: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

Francestown Village Foods: Escape hatch from corporate America, to rural country store

What makes Francestown Village Foods so unique? Maybe you’ve seen their frozen food line at Market Basket and Shaw’s. Many ingredients are locally-sourced and the team refuses to automate their Milford production facility in favor of employing 15 people to create their entrees by hand. Listen in for the story.

Manchester Food Co-op Jan. 14 meeting at City Hall

The public is welcome to join the Manchester Food Co-op Board of Directors for a “Design Your Store” meeting to help move the project forward at City Hall on Jan. 14, from 5-7 p.m.