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ARMI/BioFab Meeting in the Millyard is set for May 21-23

This year’s BioFab Meeting in the Millyard, scheduled for May 21-23, will further merge the city’s history as a manufacturing leader with the ambitious goal of becoming a leader in the emerging biofabrication industry.

SEE Science Center Partners with ARMI | BioFab USA

SEE will develop programs, workshops, camp components, and exhibits to inspire youth exploration &  opportunities in Regenerative Manufacturing & Biofabrication.

Girl Scouts to collaborate with ARMI/BioFabUSA on STEM initiatives

Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains will collaborate in a public-private Manufacturing USA initiative called the Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute (ARMI) to increase girls’ awareness and interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) for future careers.