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Support local businesses: ‘Shop Small’ this holiday season… and every day

This year, Small Business Saturday will be held on November 26th, marking the 13th celebration of this event. Celebrated each year on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, Small Business Saturday is a way for consumers to make an impact in their community by supporting independently-owned businesses during the holiday season. The SBA is proud to be a cosponsor of Small Business Saturday, which was founded by American Express in 2010.

The Soapbox: Surviving inflation and rising prices

Economists may start using the term hyperinflation, which obviously sounds scary and can trigger the kind of run-on limited goods and services we saw at the beginning of the pandemic. It is typically based on war or current events. But don’t panic.

Raise the minimum wage: NH workers are tired of getting left behind

New Hampshire has been without a minimum wage statute since 2011 and defaults to the federal minimum wage. If Governor Sununu fails to sign the bill, New Hampshire will find itself falling even farther behind our neighboring New England states. As of January 1, 2021, the minimum wage in Connecticut will be $12, in Vermont $11.75, in Massachusetts $13.50, in Rhode Island $11.50, in Maine $12 plus a CPI increase, and in New Hampshire a pitiful $7.25.

Telehealth helps keep our community safe

As the President and CEO of Amoskeag Health, I am writing today to share how telehealth has been instrumental in expanding access to care in our community and improving the financial health of our health center.

We are ‘News for Good’ in NH and proud part of #GivingTuesdayNow

Nonprofit news is about far more than a tax-deductible donation. It’s about passion for the truth and real news and having a mission that matters to people. Our mission is to hold the powerful accountable and give voice to marginalized people, places and ideas. And to serve you, our readers.

New Hampshire restaurants need you and deserve your trust

Restaurants are a driving force in New Hampshire, always generously supporting our communities in time of need with fundraising support. The COVID-19 concern is real, and it’s important that you understand that supporting your local restaurants through this time benefits us all.  There are over 69,500 foodservice jobs in NH…10 percent of the NH workforce! We must work together to ensure that we can hit the ground running when this time of uncertainty is over.

Senate Committee set to ban wine shipments to NH

The most remarkable thing about this bill is that it is trying to fix a problem that does not exist. New Hampshire residents don’t purchase wines from out-of-state sources and pay the heaving shipping costs if they can find what they want locally.