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Letter: Plan to phase-in dining-out shortsighted – what about the workers?


Dear Editor,

I read the article this morning about the New Hampshire Hospitality Industry’s plan to reopen restaurants throughout the state as early as May 5 in four different phases.  While I miss dining out, I personally believe this is very shortsighted.

My wife and I used to take the family out for dinner a lot.  With three kids, school, work, and music lessons it was just easier to go out for dinner.  Not to mention everyone got to have what they wanted for dinner instead of fighting with one or two of them who don’t like what Mom and Dad have prepared.  I also miss going to a nice restaurant with my wife, having a nice cocktail, some fresh Farm-to-Table style foods, and getting away from the hectic world that is a family of five.

Like many of you, I really miss dining out.  I miss being served and not having to clean up. I miss trying new foods and speciality drinks.  I miss the adventure of picking a restaurant and driving the family just to try something new.  I am also tired of being the one who has to cook three meals a day.

All of these things should make me excited to hear the possibility of local restaurants opening up as early as May 5, but it does not.  It actually angers me.

After reading the article it seemed to me that this industry lobbyist is pushing to reopen and is solely focused on the customers. They talk about how the restaurant will “social distance” the customers so they do not spread the virus.

That is all well and good but what about the workers?  What about the people crammed into the kitchen for hours on end?  What about the servers who are now coming face-to-face with every customer who comes through the door? As much as we are thinking about the patrons, we should also be thinking about the workers.  Are we putting the workers health and safety at risk?

Let’s not forget that the New Hampshire Lodging and Restaurant Association is one of the business lobbying groups that has continued to fight against any increases in the minimum wage or the elimination of the tipped minimum wage that pays workers about half the states minimum wage if they also receive tips.  These people did not care about the livelihood of the servers and cooks before this pandemic started, why would I think they care now?

The idea to reopen restaurants on May 5 is very shortsighted.  Until we get to a place where our numbers are declining and the threat of COVID goes down the thought of putting people at more risk should be avoided.  A business owner and an industry lobbyist should not be the ones telling workers to risk their health and safety so the restaurant owners can reopen their restaurants.

I will continue to support local restaurants in my area by ordering take-out once or twice a week from the very few restaurants that have chosen to provide take-out options.  Something the New Hampshire Lodging and Restaurant Association should do is compile a list of all of the restaurants in the state that are open for take-out and curbside pick-up.

Matt Murray

Merrimack, NH

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