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A ratepayer and taxpayer success story in Durham school

What we have here is a moral and civic good.  The humans who learn and work in this bright new building cannot help but absorb the message that their community respects and values what happens there.

Coming Soon: Drastic rate increases for electricity and natural gas

What can we do about these dismal developments? That’s the subject of a future column but – spoiler alert – there are no easy answers and those who peddle such answers are mistaken. In the meantime, sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

Eversource and Liberty to regulators: Send money

If you’re an Eversource customer, you’re probably wondering:  If this is the first rate case in a decade, why has my electric bill been increasing over the past 10 years?

NH electric customers should demand their data

These New Hampshire utilities are part of Green Button’s “download my data” program.  What’s needed is the next step – the Green Button “connect my data” standard, which facilities third party access to the information.

Time for Teens to Intervene – at the PUC in NH

Addressing an audience at the annual World Economic Forum in Switzerland the other day, the Swedish teenager complained about the laconic response of her planetary elders to the climate crisis.

10 NH utility ratepayer resolutions for 2019

Happy New Year!  Here are 10 great ideas for 2019, for those who care about the plight of New Hampshire’s residential utility customers.

A hard lesson about love and public utilities in NH

The institutions that employ these nice people, however, are perfectly okay with a state that ranks a dismal 21st among the 51 states (and the District of Columbia) when it comes to energy efficiency.  The ranking is from the highly respected American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy.  It means that New Hampshire is dead last among states in the northeast above the Mason-Dixon Line. This is unacceptable.

Musings on energy efficiency mediocrity: NH’s No. 21!

The Granite State’s disappointing record when it comes to energy efficiency becomes downright outrageous when you consider that we lag behind every other New England state. You literally have to go south of the Mason-Dixon Line to find a state with a worse ranking than ours.

Sunshine is the best disinfectant for secrecy at New England Power Pool

What NEPOOL is voting on Tuesday would allow journalists to attend NEPOOL meetings upon payment of $5,000 per year.  That’s certain to deter serious energy journalists who know why NEPOOL matters.  Even if their budgets allowed for such expenditures, journalism ethics generally preclude paying for access.

It’s tax time for NH utility customers

While we are all working on our individual tax returns, there are some important developments brewing on the taxation front with respect to public utilities.  They all come down to this ineluctable reality:  Utilities don’t pay taxes, ratepayers do.