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Art exhibit, activities kick-off to celebrate Father of Video Games’ 100th birthday

Starting this weekend, the SEE Science Center in Manchester is hosting a number of workshop activities and opening of a new art exhibit to celebrate the legacy of Ralph Baer, the German-immigrant-turned-New-Hampshire-inventor who created the first home video game systems among many other things.

The Father of Video Games: A retrospective of inventor Ralph H. Baer on his 100th birthday

Today marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of one of the 20th century’s most prolific and consequential inventors.  It was on this day that Ralph Henry Baer was born in Pirmasens, Germany. Baer would go on to create a host of electronic devices, toys, and gadgets. None, however, would be bigger than his seminal conceptualization and work around what was to become the modern video game industry. 

How was your 5th of July?

“How was your 5th of July?” Is that an odd question given the times we are in and was your holiday weekend different this year than other years?