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Candy Kingdom, no more: Owners to retire after 29 years in business


Candy Kingdom on Hayward Street has been sold and will likely become apartments, the owner said. Photo/Winter Trabex

MANCHESTER, NH – The quaint, pink property on Harvard Street just off Union is easy to miss if one doesn’t go looking for it. Right across the street, a more notable landmark in the form of a castle catches the eye. Then, too, a lot of drivers on Harvard and Union are on their way to somewhere else.

The two-story pink building, housing Candy Kingdom, nevertheless attracted a large number of customers when I went in mid-Friday morning. Owners Dick and Phyllis Capers opened the store in 1993. At the time, Robert was 46 years old. Now, at the age of 75, he’s set to retire.

“We’re retiring at the end of this month,” Capers said, “It’s the right time.”

Phyllis and Dick Capers, owners of Candy Kingdom, are retiring. Photo/Winter Trabex

Candy Kingdom almost closed at the onset of COVID in the beginning of 2020. Yet, customers continued to support the Capers’ candy business as well as their other business, which involves stylish dolls. The dolls used to be housed on the second floor, but COVID forced the dolls to come down to the first floor. Now, they provide a colorful, interesting counterpoint to bags of gelatin-based candies and packages of homemade fudge.

Conversation inside the business was convivial between customers who knew the owners well enough to have several friendly words while children wandered about underfoot, dazzled by all they saw around them. Friendly music played all around, creating a welcoming, warm atmosphere.

“Now we have a buyer who will buy the building,” Capers said. “It’s not going to be another candy shop. We think they’re going to put apartments in here.”

A recent post on the Candy Kingdom Facebook page contained a single farewell message to everyone who supported their business over the years:

There are no words to express our gratitude to all of our past employees , friends and customers who helped make this dream come true . You have given us so many wonderful friendships and memories that we will take with us always . 

We love you and will miss you all so very much . 

With all the love in our hearts we say “ Thank you “

Phyllis & Richard





About this Contributor

Winter Trabex

Winter Trabex is a freelance writer from Manchester and regular contributor to Community Voices.

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