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NH Float Therapy: ‘You feel like you are floating in a fluffy cloud of feathers’


“It was never about the money, it was about helping people. It feels so good that we can help people, this is what I am supposed to do.” – Drew Kane

NH Float in Londonderry.

LONDONDERRY, NH — Drew Kane, passionate floating advocate, is the co-owner of NH Float Therapy, the only fully dedicated float wellness center in NH.

Almost 10 years ago, Kane tuned into the Joe Rogan Experience and found his life’s calling. After years of unfulfilling career choices, and failed business attempts, a relatively unknown therapy captured Kane’s attention. floating.

“You loose sensation of having a body. Your body blends with the 95-degree water. You feel like you are floating in a fluffy cloud of feathers,” says Kane.

Floating is an immersive, tempered, salt water bath, a sensory deprivation experience – 1,200 pounds of Epsom salt is added to just 8-10 inches of water, creating the buoyancy that allows for floating.

In 2008 Kane had a very different reality. He worked as a juvenile probation officer, and like many of us, lived a life of quiet desperation. When Kane was a teenager his father passed away.  Kane spent a few years traveling, eventually settling back in his home state of Massachusetts.

“I was a failure. Eyes rolled when I said I would open a float center,” Kane recalls.

One day while listening to the Joe Rogan Experience, Kane learned about floating and became captivated. The more he absorbed the more his intrigue grew. Wanting to experience floating for himself, he found the nearest tank in western Mass., and he had his first experience. In the aftermath, Kane described it as, “Strange, awesome and colors being super vibrant while driving home.” Kane listened to podcasts detailing the business of floating. Obsessively learning all he could, he finally decided to pursue his new-found passion.

Kane continued to float, and recalls his experience as a progression from physical relief to spiritual awakenings, as most patrons report.

Drew Kane, left, and Mike Simpson, of NH Floats. Photo/Constance Cherise

Almost immediately after his initial contract for a building fell through, Kane’s work partner, Mike Simpson, serendipitously stepped up and became Kane’s business partner. In May of 2017 they found their current location in Londonderry.

Renovations took six months. Kane and Simpson worked days as probation officers, nights and weekends on their business completing 90 percent of the demo and remodeling themselves. Kane recalls, “It wasn’t easy.”

He and his partner conducted pre-sale appointments.

“I was always a dreamer,” says Kane, “and my wife was super supportive. Now, I feel proud to be her husband.”

Graphic/NH Floats

They officially opened in November of 2017, working days and booking floating times at night. “Christmas pushed us over the edge, there was a huge buzz. By January we were booking 14 days out,” says Kane, with hard-earned pride in his voice. Kane eventually quit his day job and has dedicated himself full time to his business.

“I experienced this happening and I knew it would impact other people’s lives,” Kane says.

Known for providing relief from pain and stress, floating is now being used as therapy for individuals who suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

When asked about the realization of his dream, Kane says, “It wasn’t what I imagined. It came out better than I imagined. I wanted more – more than my 9-to-5 job. I was always living up to everyone else’s expectations.”

Kane, now almost 40, says as he let go of other’s ideals of what his life should be and followed his heart, he has learned a lesson in finding his power, his passion and his pride.

Dream on, Drew Kane.

NH Float Therapy is located at 1 Commons Dr. in Londonderry. Find them on the web here.


About this Contributor

Constance Cherise

Constance Cherise is a freelance writer and contributor for Turner Classic MoviesSee her work here.

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