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Communicast takes a look behind the explosive growth of Forcivity


Communicast takes a look behind the explosive growth of Forcivity. The Force is clearly with them.

[youtube https://youtube.com/watch?v=zeX0weQbA0o&w=560&h=315]

Steve Baines, CEO & Founder of Forcivity speaks with Keith Spiro on Communicast

Forcivity is #157 on the Inc. 5000 list of the fastest growing private companies in America

I sat down for a conversation with Steve Baines, founder and CEO of Forcivity, the Manchester, NH, company that just landed the #157 position on the Inc. 5000 list of fastest-growing private companies in America.  We talked about some of the reasons for their meteoric rise over these past three years and what impact the pandemic is having on their business.

The short answer is the pandemic forced a rethinking of how team members interact with each other more so than how they work with vendors, clients and partners.  Their customer focus, individual responsibility and team determination is unchanged and that focus has brought them to this place where they can show more than 2,400-percent growth over the last three years. It’s the human touch and sense of a community-driven set of principles that empower everyone connected to the organization.

Forcivity moved into their Manchester headquarters barely six weeks before the pandemic forced them into a work from home, distributed workforce mode. This is the very model of how most businesses need to operate now and one they were comfortable with.

Steve and I had an intense discussion on the definition of community in both the traditional sense of commonality, customs and values but also the aptly named tool within the Salesforce portfolio of products.

They have built their fast-growing and successful business around their community of employees, customers and partners, including all three constituencies in their daily thinking. Salesforce, the product, has given the team the ability to build rich customer experiences with little to no code in a matter of days rather than weeks or months. This time and cost savings, along with speed to respond and change, are critical elements as all of us scramble to adapt to rapidly changing rules in this COVID-driven environment.

Great leadership sets the bar for partners and employees while totally benefiting customers. Passion for mentoring, personal advocacy and business advocacy allows Steve to see the silver lining despite the pandemic. He could look well beyond the common feeling of becoming disheartened over circumstances outside of one’s control.

Passion has also driven his desire to help others outside of the work mode. He has a long-time connection providing personal time and support to Crispin’s House. His parents’ role-modeled the behaviors and involvement that guide him today. You can feel the humanity and human touch in everything Steve and I talked about. It’s this very human touch that enabled everyone from employees to partners to say “we’ve got this” as they “doubled down” and stepped up together to keep the business moving fast despite or perhaps because of the need in this global pandemic.

At #157 on the list, they are the highest-ranked New Hampshire company and among the top five in New England on this prestigious list of companies. With more than 2,400-percent growth and a member of the York.ie portfolio, there’s a lot here to make Manchester New Hampshire proud!


About this Contributor

Keith Spiro

Advisor & ContributorInk Link News, Arts & Culture

Business Strategist, Community Builder with a keen interest in working with high-impact startups and other organizations that can make a difference in community and health.

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