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Communicast: Tom Blonski on Gratitude & Advocacy


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRsmPCMBN4c]

Hearing Tom Blonski speak about Catholic Charities NH, you come away in awe of the synergy between gratitude and advocacy that drives the much-appreciated leadership of this organization. Tom is President and CEO of New Hampshire’s Catholic Charities celebrating their 75th year of service. They are one of the largest nonprofit agencies in the state, so what they do and how they do it is critically important to all of us. At a time like this, I am particularly drawn to their guiding values of collaboration, honor, optimism, integrity, compassion, excellence and service.

You have to listen to the excitement in Tom’s voice as he talks with great pride about the people who work at Catholic Charities and the collective passion for the work they do helping others across the state. They are mission-driven and people-centered without regard to a person’s religious affiliation or station in life. They seek to help all those in need. Tom talks about the servant heart and mindset that it takes for such a calling and the importance of making that choice every day to make a difference in someone else’s life.

In this moment of great stress and change is a measured calmness and excitement to be of service to the most vulnerable among us. They are there in health care, counseling services, providing support to homeless veterans through Liberty House and running the largest food bank in the state. Catholic Charities pays particular attention to our most vulnerable populations with dignity, compassion and respect.

When I asked Tom what new and interesting lessons have been learned during these past few weeks, he immediately turned to discussing telephone support. Yes, something old is new again, but the key emotion here is GRATITUDE. Even at this technologically advanced stage, reaching out by phone works wonders. Whether it is checking in on isolated seniors, or listening to #HealthcareHeroes coming off shift or providing computer tablets to creatively help family members stay in touch, the phone and the human at the other end of it is fast, effective and well, very human. They have deployed Telemed services and inbound counseling services to support those who need someone to talk after a very difficult day or trying time. The pleasant surprise for staffers and clients alike is the gratitude that is felt at both ends of the phone line. Tom says it’s hard to say who benefits more from the conversations and that one lesson everyone walks away with is that you just can’t make assumptions about people or their circumstances. It’s just plain nice to be a good neighbor.

ADVOCACY is the other word that leaps to mind in listening to Tom speak. Catholic Charities advocates for those who are not always able to do so for themselves. With seven nursing homes across the state, they’re taking care of some of the most vulnerable citizens and they are also reaching out to those who have become particularly isolated right now.

What they need

We can all help protect their good work by ensuring that our political leaders and funding agents understand how important these programs are. Medicare, mental health and health services need funding. So too neonatal care – young families that need food, diapers and formula to help them get by.

The food bank is experiencing exponential demand at a time when donated food is less available. They have purchased food to make up for the recent shortfall as demand has risen.

Catholic Charities NH has also established a Crisis Fund which you can donate to and support immediate needs such as emergency financial assistance for individuals and families, food assistance for homebound and isolated seniors, and access to teletherapy for those struggling with anxiety, depression, grief and isolation amid these challenging times.

Check out their website. It shows the depth of services provided. You can have immediate and positive impact. The help you provide to support their mission will make you feel good about your actions and you can do it without leaving your house.


About this Contributor

Keith Spiro

Advisor & ContributorInk Link News, Arts & Culture

Business Strategist, Community Builder with a keen interest in working with high-impact startups and other organizations that can make a difference in community and health.

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