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Keith Spiro Communicast: Top Goal Setting Coach Deb Eckerling suggests Starting 2021 Now


Hindsight is 2020! We’ve all heard that term used as a means of looking backward with perfection. But for the year 2020 there are few that want to linger there.  Most people I know want to leave 2020 in the rear view mirror as quickly as possible and zoom forward to a better year. Not that we want to see time rush by or have video visits dominate our days but this has been one doozy of a year. Rather than wish time away, let’s embrace a new year right now!

Coincidentally, as far back as August, I have been attending a regularly scheduled networking event called “Today is Tomorrow.”  Hosted by my friend Jeff Pulver, it got its name from the globally diverse locations we each dial in from.  We’re now scheduled weekly on Tuesday evenings and to this day, I always laugh when Jeff, here in North America always asks a friend in Australia “so what does tomorrow look like from where you are?”

It has become more than just a funny line. Indeed, why not make tomorrow start to happen right now! Fellow attendee, Debra Eckerling took this concept to the next level and decided she will launch her 2021 on December First and “I’m with her!” We could use a thirteen month run at a new year. We have all been forced to accelerate our ability to adapt and with increased digital reach, why not use remote learning, work from home and a whole host of tools to help move beyond our task driven worlds and instead focus on enriching our lives.

Take the time to think about your goals and dreams. The gatekeepers have fallen. Take a moment and start with a clean slate using words that don’t include “in this new normal”  or “in these unprecedented times” and let’s lay out a plan; one that trades off doom-scrolling for a road map to success regardless of any new or existing obstacles in our way. Humans are resourceful when need be and we will find ways to “improvise, overcome & adapt” in order to survive.

Says Deb,

“The biggest reason people do not reach their goals is they don’t take the time to figure out what it is they really want and how to make it happen.”

She’s written a book, “Your Goal Guide:  a roadmap for setting, planning and achieving your goals” and she’s well on her way to becoming the #1 recognized guide coach helping others achieve their goals. In a field filled with too many men telling you what to do, she creates a fun inclusive and co-conspiratorial Road Trip complete with rest stops, side visits and a good measure of easy to implement time setting boundaries as you go off to create your own GoalTopia.  Under her tutelage, I successfully published my long awaited coffee table quality family adventure book loaded with photos from a pre-covid travel tour by train.

For more than a decade, I have started my New Year with three words to guide my year (a practice I picked up from Chris Brogan) because New Year’s resolutions quickly fall by the wayside. The embodiment of words guiding thought and actions year-long has proven to be most helpful in stable and turbulent times.

December 1st is the day I will #Start2021now, and here are my three words of guidance for the upcoming year:


What three words will you use to achieve your goals and find satisfaction in each day ahead?

Please share them with me via  email  or tag me on twitter @KeithSpiro with the hashtag #start2021now. You can also join the conversation here on Ink Link.

Here’s to your success.


About this Contributor

Keith Spiro

Advisor & ContributorInk Link News, Arts & Culture

Business Strategist, Community Builder with a keen interest in working with high-impact startups and other organizations that can make a difference in community and health.

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